Mold Testing Costs

In homes with smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and even a burglar alarm or two, it's easy to let our guard down and imagine that nothing can harm you or your family. Mold, however, is often an unseen menace that does anything it needs to in order to "stick around". When you order a mold detector test kit from ImmunoLytics to test for mold, you can rest assured that you are getting top quality results and service - we care as much about your family's health as you do. Our mold test kits are designed to signal the presence of mold - just like a smoke alarm going off - to allow you and your family time and information that can be used to combat the issue.

 Did you know...

A professional may use the same mold test kits that are sold at ImmunoLytics, but they often attach a premium price for their services?

Homeowners often believe they need an expensive in-person expert to solve any problem in their home. While experts are needed for some projects and tasks, sometimes a little effort can go a long way towards keeping money in your wallet instead of putting it into someone else's!

 Save money

Instead, using the ImmunoLytics mold test kit and our simple step-by-step guide to mold testing, you can perform your own in-home mold testing in only an hour!

For less than the cost of a professional to come to your home, we offer:

  • professional analysis by certified mold specialists
  • post-analysis phone consulation with one of our mold experts
  • 24/7 online access to your full-color lab results (available within one week of your submission)
  • a comprehensive list of the specific mold genus (type)

 Let Us Help

With professional laboratory analysis and interpretation of your results, plus a FREE phone consultation with our experts, we offer trustworthy, yet cost-effective, mold testing.

Sample report pages. Click on a report to open a full-sized sample.

Image 1: Report Summary Page

Image 2: Sample List Page

Image 3: Mold Plate Pictures

Image 3: Result Interpretation Page

Image 3: Mold Genus Explanations

© Immunolytics